Attractions of an Excursion Upon the Great Lakes

So Shana asked me to look up this pamphlet at the Library of Congress.  Here are my notes, some paraphrased, some direct quotes.  This looks like it might be useful for the steamship team.  Hope it’s interesting!

Attractions of an Excursion upon the Great Lakes.  Routes and rates for Summer Tours.

Presented by the Lake Superior Transit Co. 1880  (incorporated under laws of State of New York)

John Allen, Jr.  President   Buffalo, New York

P. 6  “To the generality of pleasure seekers, the Lake Superior region is but little known, owing to its former inaccessibility and the inferior steamers heretofore running to that most interesting and delightful country.”

“With the object of enabling the Tourist and Traveler to visit it with comfort and safety, the Lake Superior Transit Company have equipped and put in service a Line of Steamers, for size, substantial comfort and elegance of appointment far exceeding anything heretofore attempted on the great Lakes.”

“The trip by steamer to Lake Superior is one of the cheapest and most delightful excursions in this country, the total cost between Buffalo and Duluth being less than four dollars per day, which small sum not only secures accommodations equal to most Hotels, but carries the traveler over 2000 miles of a country full of interest and instruction.”

“Seekers after health as well as pleasure, especially those afflicted with HAY FEVER, are most earnestly recommended to try the climate of Lake Superior.  It is stated on the best authority that there are no cases too severe to be relieved by its bracing atmosphere, and there are some well authenticated reports of complete and permanent cures effectively a short sojourn there.”

Points of Interest:  Buffalo, point of Eastern embarkation; Niagara Falls; Erie, PA; Cleveland; Detroit River; Detroit; Ft Wayne; Lake St. Clair; Lake Huron; Sportsmen Fishing

Route 1:  To Alexandria Bay and Return ( Via St. Lawrence River, returning via Trenton Falls)

Lake Superior Transit Company Steamer…to Buffalo

New York Central & H Railroad…to Suspension Bridge

Great Western Railway…to Alexandria Bay

Steamer J.F. Maynard…to Clayton

Utica & Black River Railroad…to Utica

New York Central & H Railroad…to Buffalo

Lake Superior Transit Company’s Steamer…to starting point

Through rates

       From Detroit…26.85

       From Duluth…63.oo

2 Responses

  1. Thanks, Meghan!

  2. Yes – thanks, Meghan!

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